Our bodies have a natural reward system: Feel-Good Hormones. These hormones surge through our brains and elevate our moods, triggered by experiences like falling in love, achieving success, receiving positive feedback, accomplishing goals, or completing an intense workout. Here’s a closer look at these powerful chemicals:

- Oxytocin (the 'love hormone'): fosters social bonding and trust. It’s natural not to feel completely secure on your first day at a new job. Over time, as you become more familiar with your role and colleagues, reflect on your connections at work: How deep is your bond with your coworkers, and how much do you trust and respect your boss?
- Dopamine (the 'joy hormone'): motivates us to achieve our goals and revel in our successes. This hormone is released whenever we accomplish tasks and tick items off our to-do lists. Consider your workplace: How much freedom do you feel in your role, and what are your opportunities for growth within the organization?
- Serotonin (the 'happiness hormone'): flows when we feel recognized, respected, and valued by others. Think about how frequently your contributions are acknowledged at work.
- Endorphins (the 'runner's high'): are the same chemicals released during laughter and intense physical activity. They help us push through challenges. Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be to start a project, but once you're engaged, it becomes hard to stop? That’s endorphins at work, making progress feel great!
These hormones play a crucial role in how we experience and interact with the world.